Friday, October 08, 2004

I'm beat!

I'm extremely tired now. I know, in fact, I didn't work too hard today.

Mm, so what the heck did I do today?

Firstly, I bought my lunch at a nearby department store. It was very important for everybody as well as me, right?

Secondly, I printed out a document, proofread the document and discussed with a brilliant founding partner which part of it should be changed or what should be added to it. Then I went to meet a patent attorney and asked him to correct it in his office.

Lastly, I ate junk food and continued to draw up an One-Page proposal related to a patent. To be honest, I tried to make the proposal an One-Page. It was too hard to condense it into only one page. Finally, I made a compromise with condensing it into a Two-Page proposal.

Sorry, the One-Page Proposal!

1 comment:

Nok said...

Dear John,
Thank you for the message in my blog, sorry that I made it a little late for the reply.
I am appreciated about you would inviting me to try the GMail, thank you so much. My email is
Well, once again THANK YOU ^___^

Nok xx